| Rio Branco, AC



ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN of a Planetarium in Rio Branco - ACLocation for contemplation, leisure and interactive environmental education - it constitutes the "Free University of the Amazon Forest".At the entrance, the large lake (formerly a swimming pool) reinforces the importance of water in the balance of the forest. A natural reservoir for rainwater, it could house a genetic nursery for studies of river fauna, a genetic bank of endangered species for future repopulation of the region's rivers. Under the tutelage of a biology degree course, it would represent an enormous tool in the study, maintenance and environmental control of the state.At the same time, it is the perfect setting for the "Arena das Águas", a venue for conferences, concerts and open-air theater shows, framed by the forest and the dancing of the illuminated fountains.The horseshoe-shaped grandstand invites you to stroll around and enjoy the scenery and houses all the necessary infrastructure for the use of the stage and for teaching and research activities.Crossing the lake on the wooden walkway, visitors enter the forest towards the Environmental Building - a unique structure that mimics the forest, in a respectful attitude that interconnects the natural entropy of the place with the rationality of the building. It is a large open-air classroom, a living museum of the surrounding ecosystem. Walking along its arch-shaped ramps, the dynamics of forest life are surprisingly revealed. On this monitored tour, you go from root to crown, observing the gradual change of all the components: light, colors, textures, sounds, temperatures, flora and fauna. Along the way, classrooms, meetings, small exhibitions, a convenience store and a library complement the program. At the other end, at the end of the "terrestrial route" you get to know the "Cosmos" with a visit to the Planetarium, the ultimate awareness of planet earth and the universe. More than just a piece of equipment, it is a clear demonstration of the harmonious coexistence between man and nature, a major legacy for future generations in Acre.

Technical sheet

Planetarium | Rio Branco, AC
