Carbon 41 Vehicles | Curitiba, PR

Architectural Design and Project Coordination of a building for the sale of used vehicles and accessories Carbono 41, Curitiba.

Volkswagen Santapedra | Palmitos, SC

Architectural Project and Coordination of the Refurbishment of the Santapedra VW New and Used Car Dealership in Palmitos - SC to adapt it to the new standard of Volkswagen dealerships, following the guidelines of New Brand Design - VW.

Ile de France | Curitiba, PR

This project was one of the finalists for the major relocation of Ilê de France. The major design challenge for the relocation of Curitiba's traditional French restaurant was to find a balance between its historical memory and the transition to modernity. The architectural proposal interprets and reveals the legacy and values that have consolidated Ile de France as a benchmark in gastronomy.

Studio KOHLER | Curitiba, PR

"Life without labor is guilt.
Labor without art is brutality."

John Ruskin

Reproduced in the Kohler Hollywood store.

Casa JT Nº6 | Curitiba, PR

The renovation of the João Turin residence No. 6 is a sensitive architectural requalification exercise. The reconfiguration of the spaces highlights key points of the project, such as its façade and the restructuring of access, the social area visually integrated with the library on the upper level, taking aesthetic advantage of the unique structural overhang, and a new landscaping more integrated with the surrounding woods.

YT Residence | Curitiba, PR

The residence was designed with pure forms and brutalist features. Two slatted concrete planes carefully positioned away from the boundaries by vertical circulations, together with the green plane of the main façade, define the spaces that house family life.



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