OXI Building | Curitiba

The aim was to create a design that would inspire design action above all else, as the building would house the headquarters of three design companies, an architecture studio and two structural calculation companies, one specializing in concrete structures and the other in metal structures. The architectural concept was based on the predominant use of steel, concrete and glass so that they would come together coherently to form a unique identity that would harmoniously reflect evolution, tradition and transparency, characteristics drawn from the DNA of the corporations that would operate there.

Due to the longitudinal characteristics of the site, it was decided to create two blocks adjacent to the borders, freeing up the central space for the visitors' access plaza, which starts at the entrance from the main street and ends with a vertical circulation column that houses access to the studios, garages and the exit to the secondary street. This column is made up of halls, stairs and a panoramic elevator, fully glazed, which connects the two blocks and frees up visual communication between the two streets while maintaining the common benefit brought by the large mass of vegetation coming from the back street.

The opaque glass façades of the first sub-floor, the front overhang and the side walkways release the building from its limits, giving the slight sensation that the glass blocks are floating. The structure is revealed, made up of a metal skeleton, glass fences and patinated steel sheets, and is completed by cut concrete slabs which in themselves act as structural fencing and finishing elements.  

Thermal comfort was highlighted by the creation of a kind of external circulation with floor grilles on the sides of the floors, which allow doors to open and heat exchange to take place through vertical loosening. These walkways also support the natural landscaping that is being developed. On the main façade, as a solar control solution, a simple system was installed using an element widely used in construction, steel rebar in layers that over time will be interspersed with climbing vegetation that will be controlled to obtain the desired amount of sun, in short a reinterpretation of traditional solar protection systems, becoming another key point of the project. The central access span will also gradually be covered by a layer of vegetation that develops through steel cables that cross the blocks at the height of the roof.

With the central fracture between the two blocks, natural lighting was guaranteed for all areas of all floors, marking the main entrance and also expanding the number of perspectives both for those inside and outside the building, making the spaces more dynamic, guaranteeing permanent visuals and a strong relationship with the adjacent streets, bringing aesthetics and extreme comfort to the environments.

The initial premises did not include the desire to obtain environmental certification, but no less important was the desire to translate all the knowledge of sustainability acquired over the years by the author of the project and his collaborators. Each item in the project was carefully studied to arrive at a set as close as possible to the environmentally correct, where the natural elements were honestly exploited, the use of contaminants and the generation of waste were avoided, in addition to the absolute focus on reducing recurring maintenance, using predominantly materials that gain personality and life as they age.

The work was tireless so that, with the physical consolidation of the project, it was possible to clearly see the development of the imaginary concept up to the achievement of the objectives with absolute respect for the intervention of the space.

Convention Center | Rio Branco, AC

ARCHITECTURAL PROJECT for a Convention Center in Rio Branco - ACOThe entertainment and leisure sector has been identified as one of the industries that will show the greatest growth in the coming years. Cities increasingly need spaces capable of responding to their multiple functions: work, housing, leisure, development and, above all, sustainable development. In the entertainment and leisure sector, seasonality must be eliminated from public calendars, otherwise large facilities will gradually enter an irreversible process of deterioration and oblivion.The specificity of functions, so much in vogue since the 1950s, has proved incapable of making large facilities self-sufficient over the years and with the changing behavior of contemporary society.The advance of mass media has established a paradigm shift in the typology of entertainment venues.In sport, this vulnerability has proved even greater. It is almost impossible to sustain a structure created solely for the purpose of staging matches. Not even our greatest symbol - the Maracanã stadium - has withstood the pressure of these changes. Rescued in part by the Pan American Games, the country's largest stadium is still waiting for major decisions to be taken to overcome its maintenance costs. It is therefore essential that the hourly structure proposed for the state of Acre moves towards the new global trends that indicate the need to create multi-purpose complexes. These multi-purpose arenas, as leisure centers, are becoming important units for the entertainment and leisure industry.Multipurpose arenas are facilities that bring together equipment of different sizes such as gymnasiums and stadiums, convention centers, hotels and accommodation, restaurants, stores, exhibition spaces, where events of various kinds are held:- cultural performances such as concerts, shows, plays, circuses;- sports performances, both individual and collective;- trade exhibitions, seminars, congresses;- party conventions;- religious services and preaching;- and others. Their main objective is to foster sustainable development through the national and international promotion of tourist destinations and the generation of business opportunities. These spaces are integrated into the life of the city, acting as a leisure center for the local, regional and international population. They allow cities to be included in the circuit of national and international events, bringing investment to their area of influence in the construction of hotels, restaurants, etc. In addition to providing entertainment alternatives for the local population and being responsible for increasing the tourist flow, this sector has been characterized as a major absorber of labor.According to ABRACCEF (the Brazilian Association of Convention Centers and Fairs), the activities carried out in convention centers and exhibition halls alone demonstrate their vital strategic importance for the development of the events market and tourism. The gross revenue achieved in 2006 by 53 convention centers in the country reached the expressive figure of R$ 173,620,673.61, solely from the activities intrinsic to these facilities, with a very strong concentration in the southeastern and southern regions of the country.This amount resulted from the holding of around 17,500 events, which attracted visitors in the order of 28,438,195 people, generating 17,346 jobs and collecting more than R$ 25 million in taxes.In the case of the state of Acre, its geographical position offers a unique opportunity for a multi-purpose stadium to become a center for development not only locally and regionally, but internationally, with a direct influence on tourist and business destinations in Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia and Paraguay.The construction today of the soccer stadium with a capacity for 40,000 people begins the process of building a multi-purpose space for Acre. It will be maintained over time as a self-sustaining enterprise. 

Arena da Floresta | Rio Branco, AC

Architectural project, supply of all complementary projects for the Arena da Floresta in Rio Branco - AC.

We managed the inauguration and first-year events and created the campaign for Rio Branco to host the 2014 FIFA World Cup. 

"Acre - The Green Host of the 2014 FIFA World Cup".

This project qualified Rio Branco, a small city in the north of Brazil, as one of the 18 pre-qualified cities to host the World Cup in Brazil in 2014.

Project developed in partnership with BURO HAPPOLD of London and HOK NY.

The project won ADVB's 2007 Top Tourism Award.

The project contracted by the Acre State Government, the Arena is designed to accommodate 40,000 spectators and had its first phase completed in December 2006 after 6 months of work. 

The inauguration of the first phase was marked by two events, the first on 17/12/2006 with a match between the Brazilian national soccer team and the local team from Rio Branco with a maximum capacity of 20,000 spectators and the second event on 22/12/2006, a mega concert with the duo Zezé de Camargo and Luciano bringing 40,000 people to the stands and the pitch.

Arena da Baixada | Curitiba

Work contracted by Clube Athletico Paranaense. Less than 18 months, that's how long it took for the dream of the fanatical Paranaense fans to come true. In record time, the old stadium was demolished, new designs were drawn up and the new multi-event Arena was inaugurated in a monumental and historic celebration. 

This Arena has been described by sports critics as: "The most modern and comfortable facility for watching soccer in Latin America".

Executive Project - Architect Luiz Volpato



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