Urbano Caldeira - Vila Belmiro | Santos, SP



Meeting the numerous demands, requirements, needs and constraints of this project is a unique challenge. The history and projection of the Santos soccer club and its current stadium, the need to expand the capacity to at least 30,000 seats, the preservation of the characteristics of the trapdoor, the multifunctionality to make the project economically viable, the small area of land for equipment of this size and the fact that it is recognized as an icon of today, all add up to a very complex equation for the design process.
We began by breaking a paradigm by raising the playing field to a height of 10m from the ground, thus completely freeing up the court, which allowed great fluidity for all the accesses, garages, shopping center and the functional part for all the events, we took the "ox out of the room".
The capacity was solved through a complex geometric design that was reversed from what is commonly used, where the deformation of the grandstand occurs from the outside inwards and with this artifice and associated with the 100% parabola of visibility, we achieved a very high optimization of the capacity.
The irregular shape, the result of maximum utilization, proved to have the potential to be exploited aesthetically, expressing its truth. Based on this, we created an enclosure capable of revealing the entire soul of Santos, with the idols that have marked the club's history stamped on its upper part using micro-perforated metal plates. On the lower part, as an element to protect the esplanade, we designed a brise in the shape of scales, with thin carbon fiber sheets, representing the full protective force of its fans. For the largest symbol, we reserved the most exuberant part of the brise soleil to support the golden Santos FC coat of arms, which will remain an eternal object of admiration.
The devotion and love of the club's fans has transformed the Urbano Caldeira stadium into a real "Trapdoor" that is widely recognized and feared. Through the geometric movement of the stands, the application of standards using minimum limits, and the precise design of the roof will amplify the pressure effects, and the new trapdoor will be even more frightening.  

Technical sheet

Urbano Caldeira Stadium - Vila Belmiro | Santos, SP
